Periodontics deal with those pathologies which occur in the periodontium, which includes all tissues which support the tooth and maintain its correct position and health.
The periodontium includes
Gingiva (gums)
Periodontal ligament
Root cement
Alveolar bone
The periodontium ensures proper support of the teeth, affecting the health of the entire oral cavity.
The main pathology that occurs in this system is periodontitis, which is due to tissue inflammation leading to alveolar bone loss. The symptoms of periodontitis are almost imperceptible at first, but as the disease progresses, they appear redness and bleeding gums, sensitivity, gum recession bad breath.
If appropriate therapy is not applied, they can also develop the so-called pockets which separate the gums from the teeth, and inside which bacteria collect, making the condition even worse. The final stage of periodontitis leads to total decay of supporting tissues and, finally, to tooth loss. Periodontitis can have negative effects on the entire body, influencing cardiovascular diseases and a series of other pathologies.
That is why regular appointments at the dentist are important to keep under control its symptoms and to start therapy, but also to monitor and react in time if symptoms should change to the worse. At the beginning of the disease therapy includes regular tartar cleaning or intensively cleaning, which also includes areas under the gums (curettage) and laser therapy. Sometimes antibiotics can be used, while during advanced stages of the disease surgery might be necessary.
Periodontitis is very common, though it appears more with the smokers and patients suffering of stress, hormonal changes and certain diseases. Timely diagnosis and targeted therapy might lead to symptoms reversion, or are otherwise key to keep them under control, so regular controls and good dental hygiene are necessary to minimise risk.
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